
Mik Simcic

Mik Simcic

Sculptor. Painter. Creator. Artist.

Mik is a widely renowned sculptor and painter, whose artistic career has roots stretching back to his teen years. His artistic expression ebbs and flows from the strictness of his northern influences and the soft contours of the Mediterranean, with his sculptures and paintings always revealing a refined depth of spiritual expression. He retains a true artistic soul, which constantly yearns to undertake and overcome increasingly difficult artistic and expressive challenges.

Mik Simcic

When the statue is almost finished and a millimeter-thick layer of stone could make all the difference, all that can be done is use a small file, like for your nails, and spend countless hours grinding and polishing, which eats straight into your skin.

Mik Simcic

Exclusive Sculptural Portraits
of Pope Francis

Mik had the honour of being invited by Pope Francis to create a sculptural portrait of him in Carraro marble stone, resulting in the largest series of portraits of a living Pope in the history of Vatican. The seven bronze busts he produced show the pope’s various spiritual states and were thus appropriately named the "Seven Endless Moments of Pope Francis". One of these busts was carved out of white Carrara marble and gifted in person at a private audience with the pope in June 2019.

Exclusive sculptures of Pope Francis

Spectacular Sculpture
The Abduction of Europa

The opening of Slovenia’s largest office building, Crystal Palace in BTC, Ljubljana, was celebrated with the installation of Mik's monumental sculpture The Abduction of Europa in bronze, glass, and stone. His masterful interplay of might and fragility in materials was reflected in vertical glass panels supporting a bronze sculpture on top weighing several tons.

Sculpture of the Abduction of Europa

A Visionary
Inspired by the Great Masters of Art History

As an independent artist, Mik has spent decades working on sculpture, painting, and theater, which has kept him engaged in cultural affairs throughout Europe. In addition to his countless exhibitions in Slovenia, his artwork has recently been featured in Rome, Zagreb, Vienna, New York, St. Juliens in Malta, London, Chemnitz in Germany, Monaco, and Paris. In his work he relies on the great masters from the history of art, but he's always looking for new, unique expressions.

Art History

Mik Simcic Gallery